Sunday, January 30, 2011

Situation check

I have two tricks ready for filming, but I'm missing a camera man and an audience. The other one I could do without an audience, but the other one would be simply pointless as it has a thought of card involved.

Last week's video is already late and I'm trying to get it filmed ASAP. If I can't get it done then I'll just have to come up with something easier shoot.

Thanks for your patience.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

#21 Alone

I'm all alone. I don't have a camera operator. Oh, well, actually... I do. But I haven't had time to work with her. I'm actually doing shows pretty much every day at the moment to prepare for Europe's FISM Competition in Blackpool next month. The act has been well received by the general public, but I have no idea if magicians are going to like it. Exciting times. That they are.

Anyway, here's my hand.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

#20 Guessing Game

Here is an intresting idea I came up with few days ago. The trick is based on an Al Baker idea (I think) and when I started playing around with it I quickly came up with three different handlings for this effect. This handling is the cleanest one.

The performance is maybe a little bit too long and each revelation could be presented more dramatically, but this is what you get when you have a tight schedule to keep up with. Guessing Game.